✨🐦‍🔥3 Top Recommended Goals for 2025🐦‍🔥✨

Hello Sensi-Seeker

Let's Make Goals Easy...

3 Top Goals for Empaths (& the like)

If you are an Empath or Highly Sensitive person like myself, these goals are a must for having a happy year full of growth.

  1. Learn to Let Go: Use meditations, CBT, EFT tapping, etc. that help you let go. Your overall well-being will greatly improve. *Consult on how to use these*
  2. Make You #1 Priority: Ask yourself, "What do you need today? This week? This year?" Put YOU first (or at least try to haha). We can give more when our cup is full.
  3. Stick to Your Boundaries: Learn what you need/want and stay firm on what boundaries support those things. This will allow for the best version of yourself to show up.

Make it Easy Peasy

These goals may seem lame or wishy-washy but when we have big concrete goals, they are actually more difficult to achieve.

For instance, maybe you want to lose weight and become more confident this year but your motivational energy is lacking. Learning the above skills will get you to that goal MUCH quicker than simply saying "I will exercise 5x/week".

It is the INNER-work that matters most, and will get you results quicker!

Let's look at each one to further explain.

  1. If you can let go of what doesn't serve you (like emotional burdens draining your energy) you will have more energy TO exercise.
  2. If you can give yourself self-love and teach your brain and energy that you ARE worth it by putting your needs first, you will be motivated/more likely to exercise, give yourself healthy food, say your affirmations every morning, etc.! Because guess what? THAT IS putting your needs first (taking care of your health.)
  3. Once you know what your needs and wants are, you can start to implement systems and boundaries that allow you to a) not take on so much and b) put yourself first. An example may be that you don't answer anyone's texts, e-mails, phone calls, etc. until you have a peaceful healthy morning routine.

And the best part of these goals/tasks is that they can be applied to ANY big end result you want for yourself. Whether it be to build a healthy family or make a career change, these skills will have your back!

Need More Support?

Sometimes we are so overwhelmed we don't know where to start, are confused about what we need, don't know how-to, etc. That is a perfect sign showing you that you NEED that extra support.

As I mentioned above, put yourself 1st this year by getting the HELP you need.

Want to dip your toe in instead? Reply to this email or click this link for a FREE CONSULT.

With love, light, and joy always,


40-80 old country drive, Kitchener, Ontario N2E2E5
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Hi! I'm Sarah @Rise Above Living

With a B.A. in psychology and being certified in EFT, Reiki and BEAM therapy, along with being an empath and HSP (highly sensitive person) I have learned some of the BEST ways to cope with life's stresses. I love teaching these techniques and tools AND continue to benefit from them. I have a passion for helping others and I have a deep desire to see this world evolve to be a happier and more joyful place. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!

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