
Hi! I'm Sarah @Rise Above Living

With a B.A. in psychology and being certified in EFT, Reiki and BEAM therapy, along with being an empath and HSP (highly sensitive person) I have learned some of the BEST ways to cope with life's stresses. I love teaching these techniques and tools AND continue to benefit from them. I have a passion for helping others and I have a deep desire to see this world evolve to be a happier and more joyful place. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!

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🦅🐯Does Your Fears Get the Best of You Sometimes? Me too! 🐯🦅

Hello Sensi-Seeker Overcome Your FEARS Heart Expansion Fear is my Middle Name Some of my earliest memories have been related to fear. I feel like I was born into this world being fearful of basically EVERYTHING. My parents will even tell you I used to hide in the cupboards, closets, and the cubby hole often. School was even a challenge as I dreaded going every day. Finally, in my 20s I discovered this was because of my hyper-sensitivity to everything and my active imagination (picturing...


Hello Sensi-Seeker The Other Side of ... A Dark Moment This week turned dark quickly, as multiple stress factors added up, and my body was at war with itself. However, with some support and remembering to use my tools in my toolkit, I climbed out to see the light quickly. ✨During a journaling session, an ah-ha moment came to me that I wanted to share and get your thoughts on. "Even in the darkness, all colours exist. All levels of opportunities and beauty are available." ❓For some odd reason...

Love Comforts & Balances the Nervous System

Hello Sensi-Seeker Love Keeps us Balanced When Uncertainty is Looming 🔮When there is any looming uncertainty (and there is plenty in the world right now), we more sensitive types can take it a little harder and become easily overwhelmed. Things like special occasions can help ground us and allow us to focus on something positive. However, when it is all said is done and we can go back to "regular" life, the dense overwhelming fog can creep in again. Tips to Stay Balanced 🧘♀️Here are simple...

You are a FIREWORK

Hello Sensi-Seeker Let's Make Goals Easy... YOU AREA FIREWORK 3 Top Goals for Empaths (& the like) If you are an Empath or Highly Sensitive person like myself, these goals are a must for having a happy year full of growth. Learn to Let Go: Use meditations, CBT, EFT tapping, etc. that help you let go. Your overall well-being will greatly improve. *Consult on how to use these* Make You #1 Priority: Ask yourself, "What do you need today? This week? This year?" Put YOU first (or at least try to...

A close up of a christmas tree with ornaments

Hello Sensi-Seeker Don't let Worry and Anxiety... Magic Gnome Vibes Ruin this Magical Time Recently my youngest child asked for something for Christmas that was a little absurd (haha) and almost impossible to find for a decent price. So needless to say, I was a little stressed, as this was the MAIN thing she wanted. Either we had to make it or get her something else. But then I remembered my favorite gift from my childhood. It was a tickle trunk (like from Mr.Dressup) which I believe my dad...

A view of a mountain covered in snow

Hello Sensi-Seeker There may be a storm right now... Winter is Coming BUT, an Amazing Deal is Coming As we wrapped up the free Chakra Healing e-mail series this week, I offered in the last e-mail a 50% discount on the Free Your Mind course/program for today. In case you forgot or didn't know, this program helps heal all the chakras and gives you a mental, emotional, and even physical reset, so you can feel like a more peaceful, NEW Self ready to create the life you want. Unfortunately... I...

Starry night lessons for intuition and guidance.

Hello Sensi-Seeker Allowing Wisdom in ... Star Gaze Guidance 3 Benefits of a Healthy Forehead Chakra This week we focus on the FOREHEAD chakra. This is located in the forehead area, and its symbols in nature are the night sky and stars. The following are 3 major benefits of healing this chakra, AND some ways to heal/empower it. 1. Greater Intuition Often in the wellness community, it is seen as something only advanced spiritual people have but in actuality, we all can refine our intuition and...

Green Heart Healing

Hello Sensi-Seeker Love Energy Teachings... Green Heart Magic 3 Benefits of a Healthy Heart Chakra This week we focus on the HEART chakra. This is located in the center of the chest and the element associated with it is air. The following are 3 major benefits of healing this chakra, AND some ways to heal/empower it. 1. More Love of Self & Others Healing the heart chakra means that the energy of love can be more easily produced within and received. Often people speak of a “wall” up. This wall...

Let your inner-sun shine!

Hello Sensi-Seeker Let Your Inner Sun Shine... Sun Magic 3 Benefits of a Healthy Solar Plexus This week we focus on the solar plexus/navel chakra. This is located just above the navel, and the element associated with it is fire. The following are 3 major benefits of healing this chakra, AND some ways to heal/empower it. 1. More Confidence The navel chakra is the personality center, where you develop your sense of self and trust in your actions. The more you build trust in your "gut" feelings...

Red Sunset Power Ignites Root Chakra

Hello Sensi-Seeker Ignite Your Root Chakra Red Power 3 Benefits of a Strong Root Recently, I have been delving into the lessons of the Chakras and their energies again. In doing so, I was able to connect deeply in a spiritual way and was led to a much healthier frame of mind and energy. Let's just say before then, I was not in a good place. Due to the origins of the chakras (which are ancient, dating back to the Vedic texts from 1500-500 BCE), they really do hold such great lessons for...