🙋‍♀️✨Ah-ha Moment & an Opportunity ✨🙋‍♀️

Hello Sensi-Seeker

The Other Side of ...

A Dark Moment

This week turned dark quickly, as multiple stress factors added up, and my body was at war with itself. However, with some support and remembering to use my tools in my toolkit, I climbed out to see the light quickly.

✨During a journaling session, an ah-ha moment came to me that I wanted to share and get your thoughts on.

"Even in the darkness, all colours exist. All levels of opportunities and beauty are available."

❓For some odd reason it came to me that even the colour black, encompasses ALL colours (literally). So, philosophically and spiritually, darkness must also encompass all the reflections of light. Meaning, even at night, even in your darkness moment, there IS hope to see colour again, find joy, be at peace, etc.

Therefore, it is no longer something to be SCARED of, but it is something to be EXPLORED with curiosity, patience, and an open-mind.

Next Steps...

After this journey of emotions this week, I thought, what can I offer the community that would help you get to this ah-ha moment of peace and wonder.

As it is truly a gift and a blessing to experience, and it can propel you forward in the right direction.

🌈Here is one of my latest products. It is the "Makeover for your Aura & Energy." This is what to expect from this Guide:

  • Diagrams, information and instructions on the Chakra energy centers and EFT tapping points (using meridian science)
  • Tapping prompts specifically designed to combat blockages, imbalances and negativity within your energy
  • Tapping hacks to make sure the process will work with your unique issues
  • INSTANT relief- seriously!
  • Feeling lighter, more energized and powerful to your core, uplifting you to your greatest potential


Makeover Your Aura/Energy

Sometimes it feels like the energy of our emotions, outside influences or something cosmic is wreaking havoc &/or... Read more

Helpful Tips

Before going through the steps in the Guide above, here are some recommendations:

  1. I advise on 1 chakra per day (TOPS), or ideally only 1 every 2 days. And to do them in the order it appears.
  2. Schedule it into your calendar! Making your well-being a priority
  3. Research some other ways to help cleanse or energize certain chakras (for instance, for each one there is a colour that you could wear/use or herbs/teas to drink with ideal medicine for that chakra). Work this into the practice for an extra boost of cleansing/healing.
  4. Please send me your feedback and/or a review!! Just reply to this e-mail or e-mail directly: riseaboveliving@gmail.com

Still Unsure?

If you purchase the above product but feel overwhelmed and want some guidance on the tapping process or something else, reply to this email OR click this link for a FREE CONSULT.

Let me know it is about this product specifically and I will make sure to give you the key information/support you need to go through the process.

With love, light, and joy always,


40-80 old country drive, Kitchener, Ontario N2E2E5
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Hi! I'm Sarah @Rise Above Living

With a B.A. in psychology and being certified in EFT, Reiki and BEAM therapy, along with being an empath and HSP (highly sensitive person) I have learned some of the BEST ways to cope with life's stresses. I love teaching these techniques and tools AND continue to benefit from them. I have a passion for helping others and I have a deep desire to see this world evolve to be a happier and more joyful place. Check out the resources I offer below and sign up for my newsletter!

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